About the NAACP of Martha’s Vineyard
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the oldest, largest, and strongest civil rights organization in the United States.
Your Martha’s Vineyard Branch is one of the most diverse racially and ethnically anywhere. Our active programs show everyone how effective a branch can be.
All of our members are dedicated to the cause of civil rights. Individual reasons for joining are as diverse as the membership itself.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded more than 100 years ago by a group of progressive thinkers committed to racial equality. It remains the largest, oldest, and most effective civil rights organization in the country. The original purpose of the NAACP was to secure for blacks their rights as citizens, justice in the courts, and equal opportunity in every economic, political and social endeavor in the United States.
The mission of the MVNAACP is to promote an inclusive environment that embraces, respects, and values the diversity in the island community. Today, we have adapted our agenda to address the civil rights issues of our time for all people: unequal education; economic and political empowerment; criminal justice reform; health-care access and quality of treatment; civic engagement and voting rights. Despite significant gains over the past 103 years, the NAACP is needed now more than ever to address the continuing and deliberate disparities.

NAACP of Martha’s Vineyard
NAACP of Martha’s Vineyard…Envisioning Equality for Everyone.
The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) is the oldest, largest, and strongest civil rights organization in the United States.
Your Martha’s Vineyard Branch is one of the most diverse racially and ethnically anywhere. Our active programs show everyone how effective a branch can be.
All of our members are dedicated to the cause of civil rights. Individual reasons for joining are as diverse as the membership itself.
• Successfully negotiates several employment and housing discrimination cases before they become legal cases.
• Collaborates with Vineyard organizations e.g. the MV Hebrew Center, the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) and local police departments and banks on health, education and disparate treatment initiatives.
• Awards scholarships every year to Martha’s Vineyard high school students who exemplify the ideals of civil rights and good citizenship.
• Serves on Martha’s Vineyard School’s teacher and principal search committees
• Works to increase the voter registration and turn out for local and national elections.
• Provides charitable donations to organizations in need.
Who We Are
What we do
Our Community
Contact us
Martha’s Vineyard Branch NAACP
Centennial Souvenir Journal 2009
100 Years of Commitment to Social Justice and Civil Rights
Exclusive Rustin Movie Screening
December 10th, 2023
1:00pm at the Martha’s Vineyard Film Center
Indigenous Peoples Day
at Felix Neck
Oct 9th
from 2-3:30
Speakers & Drumming
Bring your own chair
Sassafras Earth Education